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Being a teenager in the ’50s meant seeing Elvis debut on TV, dancing to “rock and roll” at sock hops, and feeling rather self-conscious in most social situations.  But that latter trait may be endemic to adolescence, no matter the time period.
Growing up in Wisconsin provided another situation that I took for granted then – the clear shift of the four seasons, a reliable measure of moving forward.

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In the Land of Shiva – A Memoir

From the book cover:
When Brother Jim leaves his comfortable life teaching in Catholic high schools and travels to India, he finds himself unprepared for the challenges he faces.
As he immerses himself in a land of unfamiliar customs and ancient religious traditions, he soon discovers that his mission has become deeply personal. Brother Jim questions not only all his vows, but his deepest beliefs.

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I Never Planned It That Way

Accidental Soul Work on The Road and At Home “I never expected that to happen!” Many of us find that events thrown in our path, seemingly accidentally, is where we accomplish much of our deepest internal work. The challenge is to recognize those occasions as valuable and navigate them to our spiritual benefit.

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